Friday 23 September 2022





Novel Corona virus SARS COV2 is third highly pathogenic human corona virus after Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). The Corona virus disease (Covid 19) is turning out to be a real psycho-physical and social crisis of global magnitude. Its rapid spread is facilitated via droplets, contaminated hands and surfaces. With WHO declaring this as global pandemic, authorities and communities world over have responded to the challenge by engaging in tough and right course of action to contain the ominous threat. While search for new vaccine and drug is actively in progress, WHO has launched global mega trial of four most promising corona virus treatment from existing drugs (Remdesivir, Chloroquine & hydroxychloroquine, HIV drugs Lopinavir & Ritonavir combination with and without interferon beta)


Fortunately, India as a Nation has been able to do well but is slowly slipping to stage 3 marked by community transmission. Stage 4 is endemic and leads to mass devastation as witnessed in China & Italy.


The President of India Ramnath Kovind has highlighted medically mandated and self-imposed quarantining as an opportunity for self-examination and evolution. He held sanitation and cleanliness personified by Mahatma Gandhi particularly during plague outbreak as humblest of civic virtues. He also held that major crisis has reassured our cultural ethos of ‘world as one family’- Vasudhaiva kutumbakam and quintessential equality and interdependence of mankind. The Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a plethora of measures to wisely deal with the pandemic and preparing for a war like situation symbolized by Janata curfew and stressed upon the mantra of resolve and restraint. Ms Mami Mizutori, Head of UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction has held that pandemics do not recognize borders and united international response is vital under guidance of WHO. The pandemic has also underlined interconnectedness and interdependence of mankind and importance of multilateral institutions like WTO. The lead banks and financial institutes are playing their part to neutralize economic slowdown. Notwithstanding this, some world leaders are sadly engaged in mudslinging on others. Wisdom lies in expressing solidarity and working for collective good in and through individual good.


Science and spirituality have different viewpoints on its etiology and cure. But both are significant and complementary to our understanding and wisdom filled actions. Science traces emergence and isolation of unknown beta corona virus, 7th member of the family of Corona virus that infects humans in Wuhan, China. For the third time in as many decades, a zoonotic corona virus has crossed species to infect human population. It is round or elliptical often pleomorphic form (ability of microbes to change morphology, functions and reproductive mode in response to environmental conditions) with diameter of .06- 0.14 micron. The genome of the virus has now been sequenced. It is now established that this is a normal natural variant and is not genetically engineered in a laboratory with any evil design.


From one spiritual perspective, this kind of catastrophe takes place when human society as a whole goes off track in its achar-vichar (thoughts & conduct) and lowers its collective vibrations to coincide with some negative force. We are witnessing adhibhautik affliction caused by a tiny microbe that also has adhidaivik (attributed to some deity) and adhyatmic (subjective individual) ramifications. This is referred to as samasti prarabdh (collective fate) of mankind. This can be attributed to some mysterious play of the Supreme reality as some kind of compensatory mechanism to restore the balance and stability in the universe.


Science and spirituality also converge on several points.

1.    Transitory nature of all objects & beings- Change is inherent in nature but constant change of structure and biological function makes design of vaccine and drug a daunting task. Scriptures describe changing nature of gross and subtle matter as asat or Mithya (having transitory & dependant existence). Science probes very subtle nature and function of matter in viral and host cell and is content with this. Spirituality exhorts still deeper to find the one and non dual substratum that pervades entire existence.


2.    Cleanliness & sanitation- Virus emitted from infected person while sneezing, coughing or nose blowing as fine droplets survives for few hours and for 2-3 days after settling on inanimate surface like stainless steel or plastic. This can be transmitted by touching of infected hand to mouth, nose or eye. Virus like COV, HIV, ELOBA, ZIKA are encapsulated with lipid-bilayer. Soap or alcoholic sanitizer is able to bind with lipid bilayer and inactivate the virus, This makes cleaning/sanitation a very effective mechanism to help arrest spread of virus any further. Most religious and spiritual practices are aimed at cleansing the body and antakkaran (mind, intellect & sub conscious) of all impurities so that it can perceive and realize the atman or brahman, the ultimate reality.


3.    Following advisory and wise course of actions-Global institutes & Government lays down advisory and action plan based on scientific & ethical considerations much like code of conduct prescribed by religious and spiritual texts or wisdom sayings of saints.


4.    Realizing uniqueness, interconnectedness, equality of every individual & nation state- Every individual is unique as a biological creature and can contribute to both spreading and arresting the disease. Likewise, every individual can pollute or purify his neighborhood by his motives, thought processes and actions. Man can raise himself to the highest heaven or damn himself to the lowest hell. It is all in his hands, says Swami Chidananda.


5.    Serving mankind while practicing social distancing- Isolation/quarantining of infected/suspect person is the most primary and effective means to contain the disease. Many countries have effectively done this. Isolation is also a means of service by protecting the others. Solitude leads to expression of our unconscious personality that has many good and bad aspects. “Solitude has its own charms. The spiritual vibrations in solitude are wonderfully elevating. Meditation will come by itself without exertion. All saints and sages who have achieved Self realization have remained in solitude for a number of years” says Swami Sivananda.


6.    Submitting to nature and supreme reality- Science relies on genomics and proteomics for probing the cause, effect and solutions. This has to be supplemented with abiding faith in all pervading and compassionate supreme reality. “We have to have the faith that in spite of our ignorance, errors & weaknesses and in spite of attacks of hostile forces and in spite of any immediate appearance of failure, the divine will is leading us, through every circumstance, towards final realization, inspires Sri Aurobindo.


Jayant B Dave

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